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The EmpowerRD Blog​

Insights and ideas to enrich your innovation, navigate the complex funding landscape, and enhance the quality of your R&D tax credit claims.


What is the difference between an R&D project and a project?

Projects are key to any organisation hitting its goals. But, not all projects are the same, especially when you compare everyday projects to R&D projects. While both types can involve uncertainty, risk, and flexibility, R&D projects have distinct features that set them apart and therefore make them eligible for R&D tax relief. In this article, we’ll explore the nuanced differences between an R&D project and a project, focusing on the specific criteria that make a project qualify as R&D. What ...

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Payroll Outsourcing: A Comprehensive Guide

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Crafting an effective company expense policy

Establishing a robust company expense policy is crucial for small businesses. It provides a clear framework for expense claims, encouraging responsible spending among employees. By


Demystifying HMRC: Small Business Taxes

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